Khovanov homology and the cinquefoil
John A. Baldwin
Boston College, Chestnut Hill, USAYing Hu
University of Nebraska Omaha, USASteven Sivek
Imperial College London, UK

We prove that Khovanov homology with coefficients in detects the torus knot. Our proof makes use of a wide range of deep tools in Floer homology, Khovanov homology, and Khovanov homotopy. We combine these tools with classical results on the dynamics of surface homeomorphisms to reduce the detection question to a problem about mutually braided unknots, which we then solve with computer assistance.
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John A. Baldwin, Ying Hu, Steven Sivek, Khovanov homology and the cinquefoil. J. Eur. Math. Soc. (2024), published online first
DOI 10.4171/JEMS/1415