Density of compressible types and some consequences

  • Martin Bays

    Universität Münster, Germany; University of Oxford, UK
  • Itay Kaplan

    Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel
  • Pierre Simon

    University of California, Berkeley, USA
Density of compressible types and some consequences cover

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We study compressible types in the context of (local and global) NIP. By extending a result in machine learning theory (the existence of a bound on the recursive teaching dimension), we prove density of compressible types. Using this, we obtain explicit uniform honest definitions for NIP formulas (answering a question of Eshel and the second author), and build compressible models in countable NIP theories.

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Martin Bays, Itay Kaplan, Pierre Simon, Density of compressible types and some consequences. J. Eur. Math. Soc. (2024), published online first

DOI 10.4171/JEMS/1423