Étale motivic spectra and Voevodsky’s convergence conjecture

  • Tom Bachmann

    Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz, Mainz, Germany
  • Elden Elmanto

    Harvard University, Cambridge, USA; University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada
  • Paul Arne Østvær

    University of Milan, Milan, Italy; University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway
Étale motivic spectra and Voevodsky’s convergence conjecture cover

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We prove a new convergence result for the slice spectral sequence, following work by Levine and Voevodsky. This verifies a derived variant of Voevodsky’s conjecture on convergence of the slice spectral sequence. This is, in turn, a necessary ingredient for our main theorem: a Thomason-style étale descent result for the Bott-inverted motivic sphere spectrum, which generalizes and extends previous étale descent results for special examples of motivic cohomology theories. Combined with first author’s étale rigidity results, we obtain a complete structural description of the étale motivic stable category.

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Tom Bachmann, Elden Elmanto, Paul Arne Østvær, Étale motivic spectra and Voevodsky’s convergence conjecture. J. Eur. Math. Soc. (2024), published online first

DOI 10.4171/JEMS/1421