Finiteness properties of locally defined groups

  • Daniel S. Farley

    Miami University, Oxford, USA
  • Bruce Hughes

    Vanderbilt University, Nashville, USA
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Let be a set and let be an inverse semigroup of partial bijections of . Thus, an element of is a bijection between two subsets of , and the set is required to be closed under the operations of taking inverses and compositions of functions. We define to be the set of self-bijections of in which each is expressible as a union of finitely many members of . This set is a group with respect to composition. The groups form a class containing numerous widely studied groups, such as Thompson’s group , the Nekrashevych–Röver groups, Houghton’s groups, and the Brin–Thompson groups , among many others. We offer a unified construction of geometric models for and a general framework for studying the finiteness properties of these groups.

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Daniel S. Farley, Bruce Hughes, Finiteness properties of locally defined groups. J. Comb. Algebra (2024), published online first

DOI 10.4171/JCA/91