Projections of totally disconnected thin fractals with very thick shadows on

  • Chun-Kit Lai

    San Francisco State University, San Francisco, USA
  • Lekha Priya Patil

    University of California, Irvine, USA
Projections of totally disconnected thin fractals with very thick shadows on ${\mathbb{R}}^{d}$ cover

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We study an extreme scenario of the Marstrand projection theorem for which a fractal has the property that its orthogonal projection is the same as the orthogonal projection of its convex hull. We extend results in current literature and establish checkable criteria for self-affine sets to have this property. Using this, we show that every convex polytope on contains a totally disconnected compact set, which is a union of self-affine sets, of dimension as close to 1 as possible, as well as a rectifiable 1-set, such that the fractal projects to an interval in every 1-dimensional subspace and its convex hull is the given polytope. Other convex sets and projections onto higher dimensional subspaces are also discussed.

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Chun-Kit Lai, Lekha Priya Patil, Projections of totally disconnected thin fractals with very thick shadows on . J. Fractal Geom. (2024), published online first

DOI 10.4171/JFG/146