The variation of the uncentered maximal operator with respect to cubes

  • Julian Weigt

    University of Warwick, Coventry, UK
The variation of the uncentered maximal operator with respect to cubes cover

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We consider the maximal operator with respect to uncentered cubes on Euclidean space with arbitrary dimension. We prove that for any function with bounded variation, the variation of its maximal function is bounded by the variation of the function times a dimensional constant. We also prove the corresponding result for maximal operators with respect to collections of more general sets than cubes. The sets are required to satisfy a certain inner cone star condition and in addition the collection must enjoy a tiling property which for example the collection of all cubes does enjoy and the collection of all Euclidean balls does not.

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Julian Weigt, The variation of the uncentered maximal operator with respect to cubes. J. Eur. Math. Soc. (2024), published online first

DOI 10.4171/JEMS/1575