On uniqueness of JSJ decompositions of finitely generated groups

  • Max Forester

    University of Warwick, Coventry, UK


We give an example of two JSJ decompositions of a group that are not related by conjugation, conjugation of edge-inclusions, and slide moves. This answers the question of Rips and Sela stated in [RS]. On the other hand we observe that any two JSJ decompositions of a group are related by an elementary deformation, and that strongly slide-free JSJ decompositions are genuinely unique. These results hold for the decompositions of Rips and Sela, Dunwoody and Sageev, and Fujiwara and Papasoglu, and also for accessible decompositions.

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Max Forester, On uniqueness of JSJ decompositions of finitely generated groups. Comment. Math. Helv. 78 (2003), no. 4, pp. 740–751

DOI 10.1007/S00014-003-0780-Y