Author guidelines

For articles published by EMS Press

The file

  • Authors are expected to submit their manuscript in well-structured using the provided template and style file, and following the instructions given in these guidelines.

  • Rename the provided .tex template file using, e.g., the surnames of authors.

  • Insert the contents of your manuscript in the appropriate places; see the comments throughout the template.

  • Do not include redundant source code such as unused definitions of macros.

  • Avoid using \def to define own macros.

  • No personal style files should be used.

  • Do not modify the page layout or style in any way. Also, do not attempt to fix page breaks and avoid adding or removing extra space to improve the appearance of the manuscript. This is done during typesetting.

The style file

  • Include the style file as shown in the template.

  • Do not edit the style file.

  • The style file automatically loads the following packages: amsthm, amsmath, amssymb, enumitem, geometry, caption, graphicx, array, hyperref, url, fontenc, inputenc, babel, booktabs, cite, float, footmisc, multicol, xcolor, newtxmath, newtxtext, kvoptions, nag, ragged2e, pdf14, pdftexcmds, xpatch, zref-base These should not be loaded again.

Submitting your final manuscript

Once done with editing your manuscript, please provide us with

  • the .tex file,

  • the corresponding PDF file for reference,

  • the .bib file (in case you use ),

  • all figures and illustrations in a standard graphics format along with their source files, e.g., SVG files or TikZ code, if available.

Abstract, author addresses, acknowledgments and funding

  • The abstract should provide a brief but comprehensive and self-contained description of the book and its results. Avoid using direct references to the bibliography like ‘[5]’ since the abstract may appear independently from the rest of the book. For referencing works, use ‘Petrunin (1998)’ or, if specifying the exact source is necessary, ‘Petrunin [Geom. Funct. Anal. 8 (1998), 123–148]’. Inline formulas such as can be used, but displayed formulas should be avoided.

  • Acknowledgements should be included using the environment ack as in the template. Formal financial support (incl. grant numbers) should be listed next, using the funding environment.

  • A full address should be given for each author, including institute/department, university, street address/P.O. Box, ZIP code, city, and country. In addition to an original author address at which the research was carried out, a current address may be included (clearly distinguished from the original).


  • Figures and illustrations should be sharp and of good quality, and their parts should be clearly discernible. Avoid very small or large symbols within figures as well as fuzzy or pixelated lines. Vector graphics formats (EPS, PDF) are strongly preferred to raster ones (JPEG, PNG).

  • Figures may use colour if this enhances their content. The inclusion of colour figures is provided free of charge in the journal’s online and print editions.

  • Include figures by writing

\begin{figure}[t] \includegraphics[width=.6\textwidth]{FILENAME} \caption{Caption text.}\label{LABEL} \end{figure}

  • For subcaptions load \usepackage[margin=0pt]{subfig} and then write

\begin{figure}[t] \subfloat[Caption a]{\includegraphics[width=4cm]{FILENAME}} \qquad \subfloat[Caption b]{\includegraphics[width=4cm]{FILENAME}} \caption{Caption text.} \end{figure}

Enumerated lists

  • The labels of first level enumerations are by default (1), (2), . . . .

  • You may change them to, e.g., (i), (ii), . . . by using an optional argument: \begin{enumerate}[(i)] \item ... \item ... \end{enumerate}

  • For more options see the documentation of the enumitem package.

Theorems and the like

  • For defining theorems and similar environments include appropriate \newtheorem commands such as \theoremstyle{plain} \newtheorem{theorem}{Theorem}[section] \newtheorem{lemma}[theorem]{Lemma} \theoremstyle{definition} \newtheorem{example}[theorem]{Example} \newtheorem{remark}[theorem]{Remark} Do not use \theoremstyle{remark}.

  • For a proof, use \begin{proof}...\end{proof}. An end-of-proof symbol '' is added automatically.

  • Use \qedhere to put the symbol '' at the end of an unnumbered displayed formula.

Displayed formulas

  • For displayed formulas with more than one line use \begin{align} and \end{align} (or the starred form of align to skip numbering) instead of the eqnarray environment, since the former yields better spacing.

  • For not numbering every line, add \notag at the end of lines where numbers should be skipped:

  • Put equations between \begin{equation}\begin{aligned} and \end{aligned}\end{equation} to get one label for the complete block:

  • Other available environments for multiline displays are gather or multline.

More mathematics

  • Avoid blank lines before or after displayed formulas, unless when starting a new paragraph.

  • Avoid using $$ for displayed equations and use instead \begin{equation*}...\end{equation*} or \ [...\ ].

  • For horizontal spacing in displayed formulas use \quad or \qquad (not multiple ~).

  • Leave punctuation marks outside inline formulas: .

  • Avoid forcing display style with \displaystyle or \limits for inline formulas.

  • For the separator in set notation use \mid (not |).

  • For the double bar indicating a norm use \lVert and \rVert.

  • Operators whose notation is more than one character should be upright. If the operator you need is not predefined (such as \dim, \det or \sin), write \DeclareMathOperator{\Aut}{Aut}

  • Sub- and superscripts that stand for words (such as ‘i’ for ‘initial’) and not for variables should be upright. Write .

  • Avoid using \left and \right. To obtain bigger delimiters in displayed formulas, use \big, \Big, \bigg or \Bigg.

  • Avoid using \, and \!. A notable exception is before differentials like in integrals, where \, is normally added.

Grammar rules for displayed formulas

  • Displayed formulas are considered part of grammatical sentences, and they follow the same punctuation rules. Example: A displayed formula that ends a sentence must end with a full stop. In such cases, avoid horizontal space before punctuation. Example: Do not write \ [ A_n<1\,. \ ]

  • Put a colon after phrases like ‘as follows’ or ‘the following’ when they introduce a displayed formula. Phrases like ‘defined by’, ‘can be seen that’, ‘such that’, ‘we have’ etc. must not be followed by a colon.

Quotation marks, dashes, abbreviations

  • For single and double quotation marks use '...' and "...".

  • The hyphen (code: -) is used for compound words like -periodic. Do not write periodic which gives the minus sign instead.

  • The en-dash (code: --) is used for number ranges and it can stand for ‘and’ as in Cauchy–Bunyakovsky–Schwarz.

  • The em-dash (code: ---) with no space before or after may be used to partition a sentence or for parenthetical clauses. For this, we prefer the en-dash with a blank space before and after.

  • Write all Latin abbreviations upright (not italic): e.g., et al., i.e., etc.


  • If you cross-reference a section, subsection, figure, table or theorem-like environment, always use \label and \ref. For displayed formulas, use \label and \eqref.

  • Do not reference page numbers of your article (avoid using \pageref).

  • If your article has 50 or more pages, you may include a table of contents using \tableofcontents.


  • Items in the bibliography should be ordered alphabetically using numerical labels.

  • Each entry must be cited at least once in the text.

  • Follow closely the different examples of bibliography entries given in our .tex template. They show the preferred style for books, articles (in journals and books), preprints, reports, and theses.

  • Abbreviate titles of journals and book series as in zbMath Open or Mathematical Reviews.

  • We provide a bst file for authors who use .

EMS Press Institut für Mathematik, Technische Universität Berlin, Straße des 17. Juni 136, 10623 Berlin, Germany

For questions regarding these guidelines, please contact us at