Browse by series
Explore our book catalogue by series. Our books programme is mostly organised by series which relate to a specific theme or publication type, and we also have a number of standalone titles.
Browse by seriesEMS Press has published over 250 books in mathematics since 2003, in both print and digital formats. Our books programme is mainly organised by series, including monographs, graduate texts, collected volumes, lecture notes as well as textbooks. Please select the series you are interested in below.
A related publication of the EMS are the Memoirs of the European Mathematical Society which publish outstanding research contributions in individual volumes, in all areas of mathematics and with a particular focus on works that are longer and more comprehensive than usual research articles.
Book titles are available for individual purchase (with 20% discount for EMS members) and as an eBooks package – see Information for Libraries and contact with orders and enquiries. You can view titles published in 2024 in our new books flyer.
For book manuscript submissions, please contact our editorial director.
Explore our book catalogue by series. Our books programme is mostly organised by series which relate to a specific theme or publication type, and we also have a number of standalone titles.
Browse by seriesSearch our complete book catalogue of more than 250 published works by keyword, author or title. Searches include title and chapter level results.