EMS Press offers a variety of packages for both journals and ebooks, offering significant discounts versus individual full price subscriptions. All packages are eligible for Early Adopter pricing discounts.
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We now offer Multi-year package subscriptions, which give a discount for long-term commitment and fixed pricing for the duration of the agreement. These are available on a 3 to 5 year basis.
EMS Essentials Package subscribers may also purchase printed copies of any title at ‘deep discount’ prices (DDP), calculated as the difference between a digital and print subscription per title.
A detailed description of each title can be found on our journal pages.
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We now offer multi-year package subscriptions, which give a discount for long-term commitment and fixed pricing for the duration of the agreement. These are available on a 3 to 5 year basis. EMS Journal Package subscribers may also purchase printed copies of any title at ‘deep discount’ prices (DDP), calculated as the difference between a digital and print subscription per title.
A complete title list is provided in the price list and catalogue, and detailed descriptions of each title can be found at
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This includes DRM-free access to over 85,000 pages of high quality research, all fully downloadable as PDF files. We offer a number of library-friendly features including easily available metadata (XML, MARC and ONIX), perpetual access and no annual maintenance fees. All of our content is archived in CLOCKSS, and subscriptions are valid on a campus-wide basis with no restrictions on simultaneous downloads.
Print copies are available to eBook Package subscribers at discounted rates too; €9,835 for all books published 2004 to 2023, or just €500 for titles published in 2024 or 2025, delivered at the point of publication, with approximately 10 new titles per year.
To purchase our eBooks package, renew your existing subscription, or enquire about adding print volumes please email EMS Press directly at, or enquire via your usual subscription agent.
View the complete EMS title list online.
EMS & MSP Joint Package | from €8,805 / $9,685
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MSP operates a two tier system based on institutional ranking - more information about how the tiers are applied and why this decision was taken can be found on the MSP website. In addition, both publishers utlised early adopter pricing; to find out more visit our information for libraries page.
To purchase a joint package subscription, or to enquire about DDP purchases, please email either EMS Press or MSP directly at /, or enquire via your usual subscription agent.
A complete title list can be downloaded here, and detailed descriptions of each title can be found at and
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