Spectral triples for the variants of the Sierpiński gasket

  • Andrea Arauza Rivera

    University of California, Riverside, USA
Spectral triples for the variants of the Sierpiński gasket cover

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Fractal geometry is the study of sets which exhibit the same pattern at multiple scales. Developing tools to study these sets is of great interest. One step towards developing some of these tools is recognizing the duality between topological spaces and commutative -algebras. When one lifts the commutativity axiom, one gets what are called noncommutative spaces and the study of noncommutative geometry. The tools built to study noncommutative spaces can in fact be used to study fractal sets. In what follows we will use the spectral triples of noncommutative geometry to describe various notions from fractal geometry. We focus on the fractal sets known as the harmonic Sierpiński gasket and the stretched Sierpiński gasket, and show that the spectral triples constructed in [7] and [23] can recover the standard self-affine measure in the case of the harmonic Sierpiński gasket and the Hausdorff dimension, geodesic metric, and Hausdorff measure in the case of the stretched Sierpiński gasket.

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Andrea Arauza Rivera, Spectral triples for the variants of the Sierpiński gasket. J. Fractal Geom. 6 (2019), no. 3, pp. 205–246

DOI 10.4171/JFG/75