Construction of a one-dimensional set which asymptotically and omnidirectionally contains arithmetic progressions

  • Kota Saito

    Nagoya University, Japan
Construction of a one-dimensional set which asymptotically and omnidirectionally contains arithmetic progressions cover

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In this paper, we construct a subset of which asymptotically and omnidirectionally contains arithmetic progressions but has Assouad dimension 1. More precisely, we say that asymptotically and omnidirectionally contains arithmetic progressions if we can find an arithmetic progression of length and gap length with direction inside the neighbourhood of for all , and . Moreover, the dimension of our constructed example is the lowest-possible because we prove that a subset of which asymptotically and omnidirectionally contains arithmetic progressions must have Assouad dimension greater than or equal to 1. We also get the same results for arithmetic patches, which are the higher dimensional extension of arithmetic progressions.

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Kota Saito, Construction of a one-dimensional set which asymptotically and omnidirectionally contains arithmetic progressions. J. Fractal Geom. 7 (2020), no. 4, pp. 319–327

DOI 10.4171/JFG/90