Stability of Restrictions of the Cotangent Bundle of Irreducible Hermitian Symmetric Spaces of Compact Type

  • Indranil Biswas

    Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai, India
  • Pierre-Emmanuel Chaput

    Université de Lorraine, Vandœuvre-lès-Nancy, France
  • Christophe Mourougane

    Institut de Recherche Mathématiques de Rennes (IRMAR), France
Stability of Restrictions of the Cotangent Bundle of Irreducible Hermitian Symmetric Spaces of Compact Type cover

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It is known that the cotangent bundle of an irreducible Hermitian symmetric space of compact type is stable. We show that if is a subvariety whose structure sheaf has a short split resolution and such that the restriction map Pic Pic is surjective, then, apart from a few exceptions, the restriction is a stable bundle. We then address some cases where the Picard group increases by restriction.

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Indranil Biswas, Pierre-Emmanuel Chaput, Christophe Mourougane, Stability of Restrictions of the Cotangent Bundle of Irreducible Hermitian Symmetric Spaces of Compact Type. Publ. Res. Inst. Math. Sci. 55 (2019), no. 2, pp. 283–318

DOI 10.4171/PRIMS/55-2-3