Algebraic entropies of commuting endomorphisms of torsion abelian groups

  • Andrzej Biś

    Unicersity of Łódź, Poland
  • Dikran Dikranjan

    Università di Udine, Italy
  • Anna Giordano Bruno

    Università di Udine, Italy
  • Luchezar Stoyanov

    The University of Western Australia, Perth, Australia
Algebraic entropies of commuting endomorphisms of torsion abelian groups cover

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For actions of commuting endomorphisms of a torsion abelian group we compute the algebraic entropy and the algebraic receptive entropy, showing that the latter one takes finite positive values in many cases when the former one vanishes.

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Andrzej Biś, Dikran Dikranjan, Anna Giordano Bruno, Luchezar Stoyanov, Algebraic entropies of commuting endomorphisms of torsion abelian groups. Rend. Sem. Mat. Univ. Padova 144 (2020), pp. 45–60

DOI 10.4171/RSMUP/55