-cohomology and quasi-isometries on the ends of unbounded geometry

  • Stefano Spessato

    Università degli studi “Niccolò Cusano”, Roma, Italy
$L^{2}$-cohomology and quasi-isometries on the ends of unbounded geometry cover

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The paper explores the minimal and maximal -cohomology of oriented Riemannian manifolds, focusing on both the reduced and the unreduced versions. The main result is the proof of the invariance of the -cohomology groups under uniform homotopy equivalences that are quasi-isometric on the unbounded ends. A uniform map is a uniformly continuous map such that the diameter of the preimage of a subset is bounded in terms of the diameter of the subset itself. Moreover, a map between two Riemannian manifolds and is quasi-isometric on the unbounded ends if , where is the interior of a manifold of bounded geometry with boundary, is an open subset of and the restriction of to is a quasi-isometry. Finally, some consequences are shown: the main ones are the definition of a mapping cone for -cohomology and the invariance of the -signature.

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Stefano Spessato, -cohomology and quasi-isometries on the ends of unbounded geometry. Rend. Sem. Mat. Univ. Padova (2024), published online first

DOI 10.4171/RSMUP/168