Well-posedness and stability for the two-phase periodic quasistationary Stokes flow

  • Daniel Böhme

    Universität Regensburg, Regensburg, Germany
  • Bogdan-Vasile Matioc

    Universität Regensburg, Regensburg, Germany
Well-posedness and stability for the two-phase periodic quasistationary Stokes flow cover

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The two-phase horizontally periodic quasistationary Stokes flow in , describing the motion of two immiscible fluids with equal viscosities that are separated by a sharp interface, parameterized as the graph of a function , is considered in the general case when both gravity and surface tension effects are included. Using potential theory, the moving boundary problem is formulated as a fully nonlinear and nonlocal parabolic problem for the function . Based on abstract parabolic theory, it is shown that the problem is well-posed in all subcritical spaces , with . Moreover, the stability properties of the flat equilibria are analyzed in dependence on the physical properties of the fluids.

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Daniel Böhme, Bogdan-Vasile Matioc, Well-posedness and stability for the two-phase periodic quasistationary Stokes flow. Interfaces Free Bound. (2024), published online first

DOI 10.4171/IFB/530