Maximal subrings of division rings

  • Alborz Azarang

    Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz, Ahvaz, Iran
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The structure and the existence of maximal subrings in division rings are investigated. We see that if is a maximal subring of a division ring with center and , where is the normalizer of in , then either is a division ring with , or is an Ore -domain with certain properties. In particular, if , the centralizer of in , then is a division ring, for each , is finite if and only if is algebraic over , and . On the other hand, if does not contain , then is a maximal subring of . Consequently, if a division ring has a noncentral element which is algebraic over the center of , then has a maximal subring. In particular, we prove that if is a noncommutative division ring with center , then either has a maximal subring or . We study when a maximal subring of a division ring is a left duo ring or certain valuation rings. Finally, we prove that if is an existentially complete division ring over a field , then has a maximal subring of the form where is finite over it. Moreover, if is a maximal subring of with , then for some , which is algebraic over .

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Alborz Azarang, Maximal subrings of division rings. Rend. Sem. Mat. Univ. Padova (2025), published online first

DOI 10.4171/RSMUP/175