Computing the twisted -Euler characteristic

  • Jacopo Guoyi Chen

    Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa, Italy
Computing the twisted $L^{2}$-Euler characteristic cover

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We present an algorithm that computes Friedl and Lück’s twisted -Euler characteristic for a suitable CW complex, employing Oki’s matrix expansion algorithm to indirectly evaluate the Dieudonné determinant. The algorithm needs to run for an extremely long time to certify its outputs, but a truncated, human-assisted version produces very good results in many cases, such as hyperbolic link complements, closed census -manifolds, free-by-cyclic groups, and higher-dimensional examples, such as the fiber of the Ratcliffe–Tschantz manifold.

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Jacopo Guoyi Chen, Computing the twisted -Euler characteristic. Groups Geom. Dyn. (2025), published online first

DOI 10.4171/GGD/859