Oscillating and nonsummable Radon–Nikodym cocycles along the forward geodesic of measure-class-preserving transformations

  • Sasha Bell

    McGill University, Montréal, Canada
  • Tasmin Chu

    McGill University, Montréal, Canada
  • Owen Rodgers

    McGill University, Montréal, Canada
Oscillating and nonsummable Radon–Nikodym cocycles along the forward geodesic of measure-class-preserving transformations cover

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We consider the least-deletion map on the Cantor space, namely the map that changes the first  in a binary sequence to , and construct product measures on so that the corresponding Radon–Nikodym cocycles oscillate or converge to zero nonsummably along the forward geodesic of the map. These examples answer two questions of Tserunyan and Tucker-Drob. We analyse the oscillating example in terms of random walks on , using the Chung–Fuchs theorem.

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Sasha Bell, Tasmin Chu, Owen Rodgers, Oscillating and nonsummable Radon–Nikodym cocycles along the forward geodesic of measure-class-preserving transformations. Groups Geom. Dyn. (2025), published online first

DOI 10.4171/GGD/875