Journal of Combinatorial Algebra

Issues of this journal published between 1 January 2021 and 31 December 2025 are accessible as open access under our Subscribe to Open model.
The Journal of Combinatorial Algebra is devoted to publication of research articles of the highest level. Its domain is the rich and deep area of interplay between combinatorics and algebra. Its scope includes combinatorial aspects of group, semigroup and ring theory, representation theory, commutative algebra, algebraic geometry and dynamical systems. Exceptionally strong research papers from all parts of mathematics related to these fields are also welcome.
The journal is indexed in zbMATH Open, and Mathematical Reviews, as well as in Scopus and Web of Science (in the Science Citation Index Extended database, thus in the Journal Citation Reports). Furthermore, it is listed in the DOAJ.
The journal is owned by the European Mathematical Society and it adheres to its Code of Practice and the publisher's Code of Conduct and Publishing Ethics.
The Journal of Combinatorial Algebra is published in one volume per annum, four issues per volume, approximately 400 pages.