-stability for -harmonic maps in homotopy groups
Katarzyna Mazowiecka
University of Warsaw, Warszawa, PolandArmin Schikorra
University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, USA

We study -dependence for minimizing -harmonic maps in homotopy classes. Sacks–Uhlenbeck theory shows that, for each , minimizers exist in a generating subset of . We show that this generating subset can be chosen locally constant in . We also show that as varies, the minimal -energy in each homotopy class changes continuously. In particular, we provide progress on a question raised by Mironescu [in: Perspectives in nonlinear partial differential equations (2007), 413–436] and Brezis–Mironescu [Sobolev maps to the circle (2021)].
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Katarzyna Mazowiecka, Armin Schikorra, -stability for -harmonic maps in homotopy groups. Ann. Inst. H. Poincaré C Anal. Non Linéaire (2024), published online first
DOI 10.4171/AIHPC/149