Boundary regularity for solutions of the equation of prescribed Gauss curvature
J.I.E. Urbas
Centre for Mathematical Analysis, Australian National University, GPO Box 4, Canberra 2601, Australia

We study the boundary regularity of convex solutions of the equation of prescribed Gauss curvature in a domain in the case that the gradient of the solution is infinite on some relatively open, uniformly convex portion of . Under suitable conditions on the data we show that near the graph of is a smooth hypersurface (as a submanifold of ) and that is smooth. In particular, is Hölder continuous with exponent near .
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J.I.E. Urbas, Boundary regularity for solutions of the equation of prescribed Gauss curvature. Ann. Inst. H. Poincaré Anal. Non Linéaire 8 (1991), no. 5, pp. 499–522
DOI 10.1016/S0294-1449(16)30259-1