On the Majorana condition for nonlinear Dirac systems
Timothy Candy
Universität Bielefeld, Fakultät für Mathematik, Postfach 100131, 33501 Bielefeld, GermanySebastian Herr
Universität Bielefeld, Fakultät für Mathematik, Postfach 100131, 33501 Bielefeld, Germany

For arbitrarily large initial data in an open set defined by an approximate Majorana condition, global existence and scattering results for solutions to the Dirac equation with Soler-type nonlinearity and the Dirac–Klein–Gordon system in critical spaces in spatial dimension three are established.
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Timothy Candy, Sebastian Herr, On the Majorana condition for nonlinear Dirac systems. Ann. Inst. H. Poincaré Anal. Non Linéaire 35 (2018), no. 6, pp. 1707–1717
DOI 10.1016/J.ANIHPC.2018.02.001