Volume 31, No. 5 (2014)
Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincaré C

DOI 10.1016/S0294-1449(14)00065-1Editorial Boardpp. 877–897 Reconstruction of inhomogeneous conductivities via the concept of generalized polarization tensorsHabib AmmariYoujun DengHyeonbae KangHyundae Lee
DOI 10.1016/J.ANIHPC.2013.07.008pp. 899–945 Estimates on fractional higher derivatives of weak solutions for the Navier–Stokes equationsKyudong ChoiAlexis F. Vasseur
DOI 10.1016/J.ANIHPC.2013.08.001pp. 947–955 Distributional Jacobian equal to measureStanislav HenclZhuomin LiuJan Malý
DOI 10.1016/J.ANIHPC.2013.08.002pp. 957–983 From homogenization to averaging in cellular flowsLenya RyzhikGautam IyerTomasz KomorowskiAlexei Novikov
DOI 10.1016/J.ANIHPC.2013.06.003pp. 985–1014 Partially hyperbolic geodesic flowsFernando CarneiroEnrique Pujals
DOI 10.1016/J.ANIHPC.2013.07.009pp. 1015–1034 Graphs of maps between manifolds in trace spaces and with vanishing mean oscillationEmilio AcerbiDomenico Mucci
DOI 10.1016/J.ANIHPC.2013.07.010pp. 1035–1078 Carleman estimates for semi-discrete parabolic operators and application to the controllability of semi-linear semi-discrete parabolic equationsFranck BoyerJérôme Le Rousseau
DOI 10.1016/J.ANIHPC.2013.07.011pp. 1079–1100 Global well-posedness and exponential decay rates for a KdV–Burgers equation with indefinite dampingM.M. CavalcantiV.N. Domingos CavalcantiV. KomornikJ.H. Rodrigues
DOI 10.1016/J.ANIHPC.2013.08.003