Minimal discs in hyperbolic space bounded by a quasicircle at infinity
Andrea Seppi
Università degli Studi di Pavia, Italy
We prove that the supremum of principal curvatures of a minimal embedded disc in hyperbolic three-space spanning a quasicircle in the boundary at infinity is estimated in a sublinear way by the norm of the quasicircle in the sense of universal Teichmüller space, if the quasicircle is sufficiently close to being the boundary of a totally geodesic plane. As a by-product we prove that there is a universal constant C independent of the genus such that if the Teichmüller distance between the ends of a quasi-Fuchsian manifold is at most C, then is almost-Fuchsian. The main ingredients of the proofs are estimates on the convex hull of a minimal surface and Schauder-type estimates to control principal curvatures.
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Andrea Seppi, Minimal discs in hyperbolic space bounded by a quasicircle at infinity. Comment. Math. Helv. 91 (2016), no. 4, pp. 807–839
DOI 10.4171/CMH/403