Topology of complete intersections

  • F. Fang

    Nankai University, Tianjin, China


Let Xn(d) and Xn(d') be two n-dimensional complete intersections with the same total degree d. In this paper we prove that, if n is even and d has no prime factors less than , then Xn(d) and Xn(d') are homotopy equivalent if and only if they have the same Euler characteristics and signatures. This confirms a conjecture of Libgober and Wood [16]. Furthermore, we prove that, if d has no prime factors less than , then Xn(d) and Xn(d') are homeomorphic if and only if their Pontryagin classes and Euler characteristics agree.

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F. Fang, Topology of complete intersections. Comment. Math. Helv. 72 (1997), no. 3, pp. 466–480

DOI 10.1007/S000140050028