On the deleted product criterion for embeddability of manifolds in
A. Skopenkov
Moscow State University, Russian Federation

For a space N let . Let act on Ñ and on by exchanging factors and antipodes, respectively. For an embedding define the map by .¶Theorem. Let and N be a closed PL n-manifold.¶a) If , N is d-connected and there exists an equivariant map , then N is PL-embeddable in .¶b) If , , N is (d + 1)-connected and are PL-embeddings such that are equivariantly homotopic, then f, g are PL-isotopic.¶Corollary. a) Every closed 6-manifold N such that H1(N) = 0 PL embeds in ;¶b) Every closed PL 2-connected 7-manifold PL embeds in ;¶c) There are exactly four PL embeddings up to PL isotopy (l > 0).
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A. Skopenkov, On the deleted product criterion for embeddability of manifolds in . Comment. Math. Helv. 72 (1997), no. 4, pp. 543–555
DOI 10.1007/S000140050033