Vanishing and nilpotence of locally trivial symmetric spaces over regular schemes
Paul Balmer
UCLA, Los Angeles, USA
We prove two results about Witt rings of regular schemes. First, given a semi-local regular ring of Krull dimension , if is the punctured spectrum, obtained from by removing the maximal ideals of height , then the natural map is injective. Secondly, given a regular integral scheme of finite Krull dimension, consider its function field and the natural map . We prove that there is an integer , depending only on the Krull dimension of , such that the product of any choice of elements in is zero. That is, this kernel is nilpotent. We give upper and lower bounds for the exponent .
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Paul Balmer, Vanishing and nilpotence of locally trivial symmetric spaces over regular schemes. Comment. Math. Helv. 78 (2003), no. 1, pp. 101–115
DOI 10.1007/S000140300004