Volume 60, No. 1 (2005)
Elemente der Mathematik

pp. 1–9 Periodische Positionsbrüche und elementare ZahlentheorieHelmut Koch
DOI 10.4171/EM/1pp. 10–18 Loi de Benford, relations de récurrence et suites équidistribuéesPaul Jolissaint
DOI 10.4171/EM/2pp. 19–24 Euclidean geometry problems rephrased in terms of midpoints and point-reflectionsVictor Pambuccian
DOI 10.4171/EM/3pp. 25–32 An interesting application of algebra to geneticsHelmut Länger
DOI 10.4171/EM/4pp. 33–35 A short proof of the formula of Faà di BrunoKarlheinz Spindler
DOI 10.4171/EM/5pp. 36–41 DOI 10.4171/EM/6Aufgabenpp. 42–44 RezensionenU. DoguogluH.R. Schneebeli
DOI 10.4171/EM/7