Volume 65, No. 3 (2010)
Elemente der Mathematik
pp. 89–100 Laplace, Fourier, and stochastic diffusionT. N. Narasimhan
DOI 10.4171/EM/146pp. 101–103 On a certain problem of Ulam and its generalizationAnup Biswas
DOI 10.4171/EM/147pp. 104–120 Eulersche KnicklastPhilippe CachotMarkus MeierMarcel Steiner-CurtisUrs Wüst
DOI 10.4171/EM/148pp. 121–126 On a remark of Makowski about perfect numbersLuis H. Gallardo
DOI 10.4171/EM/149pp. 127–130 DOI 10.4171/EM/150Aufgabenpp. 131–132 RezensionenPaul JolissaintM.E. AkveldGeorge Szpiro
DOI 10.4171/EM/151