Volume 75, No. 2 (2020)
Elemente der Mathematik

pp. 45–57 Constructions of isospectral circulant graphsKatja Mönius
DOI 10.4171/EM/404pp. 58–68 Drittes Hilbertsches Problem und Dehn-Invariante – Eine Elementarisierung mit KugeldreieckenMax Leppmeier
DOI 10.4171/EM/405pp. 69–79 Mean value theorems and convexity: An example of cross-fertilization of two mathematical itemsJean-Baptiste Hiriart-Urruty
DOI 10.4171/EM/406p. 80 A simple proof of the infinitude of primesFranz Lemmermeyer
DOI 10.4171/EM/407pp. 81–88 DOI 10.4171/EM/408Aufgaben