Characterizations of circle homeomorphisms of different regularities in the universal Teichmüller space
Jun Hu
Brooklyn College of CUNY, Brooklyn, USA
In this survey, we first give a summary of characterizations of circle homeomorphisms of different regularities (quasisymmetric, symmetric, or ) in terms of Beurling–Ahlfors extension, Douady–Earle extension, and Thurston's earthquake representation of an orientation-preserving circle homeomorphism. Then we provide a brief account of characterizations of the elements of the tangent spaces of these sub-Teichmüller spaces at the base point in the universal Teichmüuller space.
We also investigate the regularity of the Beurling–Ahlfors extension of a orientation-preserving diffeomorphism of the real line, and show that the Beltrami coefficient vanishes as uniformly on near the boundary of the upper half plane if and only if is . Finally, we show this criterion is indeed true when is started with any homeomorphism of the real line that is a lifting map of an orientation-preserving circle homeomorphism.
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Jun Hu, Characterizations of circle homeomorphisms of different regularities in the universal Teichmüller space. EMS Surv. Math. Sci. 9 (2022), no. 2, pp. 321–353
DOI 10.4171/EMSS/60