On von Neumann equivalence and group approximation properties
Ishan Ishan
University of California, Riverside; and University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA

The notion of von Neumann equivalence (vNE), which encapsulates both measure equivalence and -equivalence, was introduced recently by Ishan, Peterson, and Ruth (2019). They have shown that many analytic properties, such as amenability, property (T), the Haagerup property, and proper proximality are preserved under von Neumann equivalence. In this article, we expand on the list of properties that are stable under von Neumann equivalence, and prove that weak amenability, weak Haagerup property, and the approximation property (AP) are von Neumann equivalence invariants. In particular, we get that AP is stable under measure equivalence. Furthermore, our techniques give an alternate proof for vNE-invariance of the Haagerup property.
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Ishan Ishan, On von Neumann equivalence and group approximation properties. Groups Geom. Dyn. 18 (2024), no. 2, pp. 737–747
DOI 10.4171/GGD/761