Quasi-inner automorphisms of Drinfeld modular groups
A. W. Mason
University of Glasgow, Glasgow, UKAndreas Schweizer
Kongju National University, Gongju, South Korea

Let be the set of elements in an algebraic function field over which are integral outside a fixed place . Let be a Drinfeld modular group. The normalizer of in , where is the quotient field of , gives rise to automorphisms of , which we refer to as quasi-inner. Modulo the inner automorphisms of , they form a group which is isomorphic to , the -torsion in the ideal class group . The group acts on all kinds of objects associated with . For example, it acts freely on the cusps and elliptic points of . If is the associated Bruhat–Tits tree, the elements of induce non-trivial automorphisms of the quotient graph , generalizing an earlier result of Serre. It is known that the ends of are in one-to-one correspondence with the cusps of . Consequently, acts freely on the ends. In addition, acts transitively on those ends which are in one-to-one correspondence with the vertices of whose stabilizers are isomorphic to .
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A. W. Mason, Andreas Schweizer, Quasi-inner automorphisms of Drinfeld modular groups. Groups Geom. Dyn. 18 (2024), no. 2, pp. 571–602
DOI 10.4171/GGD/765