Asymptotic geometry in higher products of rank one Hadamard spaces
Gabriele Link
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany
Given a product of locally compact rank one Hadamard spaces, we study asymptotic properties of certain discrete isometry groups of . First we give a detailed description of the structure of the geometric limit set and relate it to the limit cone; moreover, we show that the action of on a quotient of the regular geometric boundary of is minimal and proximal. This is completely analogous to the case of Zariski dense discrete subgroups of semi-simple Lie groups acting on the associated symmetric space (compare [5]). In the second part of the paper we study the distribution of -orbit points in . As a generalization of the critical exponent of we consider for any , , the exponential growth rate of the number of orbit points in with prescribed „slope" . In analogy to Quint's result in [26] we show that the homogeneous extension to of as a function of is upper semi-continuous, concave and strictly positive in the relative interior of the intersection of the limit cone with the vector subspace of it spans. This shows in particular that there exists a unique slope for which is maximal and equal to the critical exponent of .
We notice that an interesting class of product spaces as above comes from the second alternative in the Rank Rigidity Theorem ([(12, Theorem A]) for CAT-cube complexes. Given a finite-dimensional CAT-cube complex and a group of automorphisms without fixed point in the geometric compactification of , then either contains a rank one isometry or there exists a convex -invariant subcomplex of which is a product of two unbounded cube subcomplexes; in the latter case one inductively gets a convex -invariant subcomplex of which can be decomposed into a finite product of rank one Hadamard spaces.
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Gabriele Link, Asymptotic geometry in higher products of rank one Hadamard spaces. Groups Geom. Dyn. 10 (2016), no. 3, pp. 885–931
DOI 10.4171/GGD/370