On compact extensions of tracial -dynamical systems
Asgar Jamneshan
Dresden University of Technology (TUD), Dresden, GermanyPieter Spaas
University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark

We establish several classification results for compact extensions of tracial -dynamical systems and for relatively independent joinings thereof for actions of arbitrary discrete groups. We use these results to answer a question of Austin, Eisner, and Tao and some questions raised by Duvenhage and King. Moreover, combining our results with an earlier classification of weakly mixing extensions by Popa, we can derive non-commutative Furstenberg–Zimmer type dichotomies on the -level. Although in general an adequate generalization of the Furstenberg–Zimmer tower of intermediate compact extensions does not seem possible in the von Neumann algebraic framework, we show that there always exists a non-commutative analogue of the finer Host–Kra–Ziegler tower for any ergodic action of a countable abelian group.
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Asgar Jamneshan, Pieter Spaas, On compact extensions of tracial -dynamical systems. Groups Geom. Dyn. (2024), published online first
DOI 10.4171/GGD/801