Isometric embeddings of surfaces for scl

  • Alexis Marchand

    University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK
Isometric embeddings of surfaces for scl cover
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Let be an injective morphism of free groups. If is geometric (i.e., induced by an inclusion of oriented compact connected surfaces with nonempty boundary), then we show that  is an isometric embedding for stable commutator length. More generally, we show that if  is a subsurface of an oriented compact (possibly closed) connected surface , and  is an integral -chain on , then there is an isometric embedding for the relative Gromov seminorm. Those statements are proved by finding an appropriate standard form for admissible surfaces and showing that, under the right homology vanishing conditions, such an admissible surface in  for a chain in  is in fact an admissible surface in .

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Alexis Marchand, Isometric embeddings of surfaces for scl. Groups Geom. Dyn. (2025), published online first

DOI 10.4171/GGD/845