Non-stationary Itô–Kawada and ergodic theorems for random isometries
Grigorii V. Monakov
University of California, Irvine, USA

We consider a non-stationary sequence of independent random isometries of a compact metrizable space. Assuming that there are no proper closed subsets with deterministic image, we establish a weak-* convergence to the unique invariant under isometries measure, ergodic theorem and large deviation type estimate. We also show that all the results can be carried over to the case of a random walk on a compact metrizable group. In particular, we prove a non-stationary analog of classical Itô–Kawada theorem and give a new alternative proof for the stationary case.
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Grigorii V. Monakov, Non-stationary Itô–Kawada and ergodic theorems for random isometries. Groups Geom. Dyn. (2025), published online first
DOI 10.4171/GGD/856