On vanishing criteria of -Betti numbers of groups
Pablo Sánchez-Peralta
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Madrid, Spain

Let be a countable group and a positive integer, we show that the -Betti numbers of the group vanish up to degree provided that there is some infinite index subgroup with finite th -Betti number containing a normal subgroup of whose -Betti numbers are all zero below degree . This generalizes previous criteria of both Sauer and Thom, and Peterson and Thom. In addition, we exhibit a purely algebraic proof of a well-known theorem of Gaboriau concerning the first -Betti number which was requested by Bourdon, Martin and Valette. Finally, we provide evidence of a positive answer for a question posted by Hillman that wonders whether the above statement holds for and containing a subnormal subgroup instead.
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Pablo Sánchez-Peralta, On vanishing criteria of -Betti numbers of groups. Groups Geom. Dyn. (2025), published online first
DOI 10.4171/GGD/860