Largeness of LERF and 1-relator groups
Jack Oliver Button
University of Cambridge, UK
We consider largeness of groups given by a presentation of deficiency , where the group is respectively free-by-cyclic, LERF or 1-relator. We give the first examples of (finitely generated free)-by- word hyperbolic groups which are large, show that a LERF deficiency 1 group with first Betti number at least two is large or and show that 2-generator 1relator groups where the relator has height obey the dichotomy that either the group is large or all its finite images are metacyclic.
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Jack Oliver Button, Largeness of LERF and 1-relator groups. Groups Geom. Dyn. 4 (2010), no. 4, pp. 709–738
DOI 10.4171/GGD/102