Ergodicity of the mapping class group action on Deroin–Tholozan representations

  • Arnaud Maret

    University of Heidelberg, Germany
Ergodicity of the mapping class group action on Deroin–Tholozan representations cover
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This note investigates the dynamics of the mapping class group action on compact connected components of relative character varieties of surface group representations into PSL(2, ), discovered by Deroin and Tholozan. We apply symplectic methods developed by Goldman and Xia to prove that the action is ergodic.

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Arnaud Maret, Ergodicity of the mapping class group action on Deroin–Tholozan representations. Groups Geom. Dyn. 16 (2022), no. 4, pp. 1341–1368

DOI 10.4171/GGD/695