Volume 17, No. 2 (2023)
Groups, Geometry, and Dynamics
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pp. 385–402 All finitely generated 3-manifold groups are Grothendieck rigidHongbin Sun
DOI 10.4171/GGD/701pp. 403–426 Relative hyperbolicity of hyperbolic-by-cyclic groupsFrançois DahmaniSuraj Krishna M S
DOI 10.4171/GGD/703pp. 427–457 Formal conjugacy growth in graph products ILaura CiobanuSusan HermillerValentin Mercier
DOI 10.4171/GGD/704pp. 459–478 Counting arcs on hyperbolic surfacesNick Bell
DOI 10.4171/GGD/705pp. 479–500 Unbounded domains in hierarchically hyperbolic groupsHarry PetytDavide Spriano
DOI 10.4171/GGD/706pp. 501–532 Minimal homeomorphisms and topological -theoryRobin J. DeeleyIan F. PutnamKaren R. Strung
DOI 10.4171/GGD/707pp. 533–554 Subgroups of which do not embed into Thompson’s groupJames HydeJustin Tatch Moore
DOI 10.4171/GGD/708pp. 555–576 On continuous orbit equivalence rigidity for virtually cyclic group actionsYongle Jiang
DOI 10.4171/GGD/709pp. 577–599 Self-similar abelian groups and their centralizersAlex C. DantasTulio M. G. SantosSaid N. Sidki
DOI 10.4171/GGD/710pp. 601–612 Asymptotic property C of the wreath productJingming ZhuYan Wu
DOI 10.4171/GGD/711pp. 613–632 On the topology of the space of bi-orderings of a free group on two generatorsSerhii DovhyiKyrylo Muliarchyk
DOI 10.4171/GGD/712pp. 633–670 The Polish topology of the isometry group of the infinite dimensional hyperbolic spaceBruno Duchesne
DOI 10.4171/GGD/713pp. 671–718 Haagerup property for wreath products constructed with Thompson's groupsArnaud Brothier
DOI 10.4171/GGD/714pp. 719–749 Modular orbits on the representation spaces of compact abelian Lie groupsYohann BouillyGianluca Faraco
DOI 10.4171/GGD/716