Large time behavior of a two phase extension of the porous medium equation
Ahmed Ait Hammou Oulhaj
Université de Technologie de Compiègne, FranceClément Cancès
Université de Lille, FranceClaire Chainais-Hillairet
Université de Lille, FrancePhilippe Laurençot
Université de Toulouse, France
We study the large time behavior of the solutions to a two phase extension of the porous medium equation, which models the so-called seawater intrusion problem. The goal is to identify the self-similar solutions that correspond to steady states of a rescaled version of the problem. We fully characterize the unique steady states that are identified as minimizers of a convex energy and shown to be radially symmetric. Moreover, we prove the convergence of the solution to the time-dependent model towards the unique stationary state as time goes to infinity. We finally provide numerical illustrations of the stationary states and we exhibit numerical convergence rates.
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Ahmed Ait Hammou Oulhaj, Clément Cancès, Claire Chainais-Hillairet, Philippe Laurençot, Large time behavior of a two phase extension of the porous medium equation. Interfaces Free Bound. 21 (2019), no. 2, pp. 199–229
DOI 10.4171/IFB/421