Free boundary problems for Stokes flow, with applications to the growth of biological tissues
John R. King
The University of Nottingham, UKChandrasekhar Venkataraman
University of Sussex, Brighton, UK

We formulate, analyse and numerically simulate what are arguably the two simplest Stokes-flow free boundary problems relevant to tissue growth, extending the classical Stokes free boundary problem by incorporating (i) a volumetric source (the nutrient-rich case) and (ii) a volumetric sink, a surface source and surface compression (the nutrient-poor case). Both two- and three-dimensional cases are considered. A number of phenomena are identified and characterised thereby, most notably a buckling-associated instability in case (ii).
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John R. King, Chandrasekhar Venkataraman, Free boundary problems for Stokes flow, with applications to the growth of biological tissues. Interfaces Free Bound. 23 (2021), no. 4, pp. 433–458
DOI 10.4171/IFB/459