On convergence of solutions of the crystalline Stefan problem with Gibbs-Thomson law and kinetic undercooling
Piotr Rybka
Warsaw University, Poland

This paper presents a study of the relations between the modified Stefan problem in a plane and its quasi-steady approximation. In both cases the interfacial curve is assumed to be a polygon. It is shown that the weak solutions to the Stefan problem converge to weak solutions of the quasi-steady problem as the bulk specific heat tends to zero. The initial interface has to be convex of sufficiently small perimeter.
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Piotr Rybka, On convergence of solutions of the crystalline Stefan problem with Gibbs-Thomson law and kinetic undercooling. Interfaces Free Bound. 2 (2000), no. 4, pp. 361–379
DOI 10.4171/IFB/25