Analysis and simulation of debonding membranes

  • Ioana Durus

    Université Henri Poincaré, Vandoeuvre-lès-Nancy, France
  • Anne Lux

    Université de Metz, France


The paper deals with the numerical analysis and simulation of debonding membranes in the framework of quasistatic processes modeled by minimizing movements. Depending on parameters of the model, the “support” of the membrane is a quasi-open set (i.e. the membrane is debonded or glued) or a capacitary measure (i.e. fractions of glue remain active). Time discretization is associated to gradient methods based on shape (measure) derivative and genetic shape (measure) optimization.

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Ioana Durus, Anne Lux, Analysis and simulation of debonding membranes. Interfaces Free Bound. 13 (2011), no. 1, pp. 57–72

DOI 10.4171/IFB/248