Volume 9, No. 1 (2007)
Interfaces and Free Boundaries

pp. 1–30 Noise regularization and computations for the 1-dimensional stochastic Allen–Cahn problemMarkos A. KatsoulakisGeorgios T. KossiorisOmar Lakkis
DOI 10.4171/IFB/154pp. 31–65 On generalized solutions of two-phase flows for viscous incompressible fluidsHelmut Abels
DOI 10.4171/IFB/155pp. 67–93 A free boundary problem in glaciology: The motion of grounding linesMarco Antonio FontelosAna I. Muñoz
DOI 10.4171/IFB/156pp. 95–105 An upper bound for the waiting time for doubly nonlinear parabolic equationsKianhwa C. Djie
DOI 10.4171/IFB/157pp. 107–132 Asymptotic analysis of Mumford–Shah type energies in periodically perforated domainsMatteo FocardiMaria Stella Gelli
DOI 10.4171/IFB/158pp. 133–148 Uniqueness, symmetry and full regularity of free boundary in optimization problems with volume constraintEduardo V. Teixeira
DOI 10.4171/IFB/159pp. 149–169 Optimal channel networks, landscape function and branched transportFilippo Santambrogio
DOI 10.4171/IFB/160