The partial Temperley–Lieb algebra and its representations
Stephen Doty
Loyola University Chicago, USAAnthony Giaquinto
Loyola University Chicago, USA

In this paper, we give a combinatorial description of a new diagram algebra, the partial Temperley–Lieb algebra, arising as the generic centralizer algebra , where is the direct sum of the trivial and natural module for the quantized enveloping algebra . It is a proper subalgebra of the Motzkin algebra (the -centralizer) of Benkart and Halverson. We prove a version of Schur–Weyl duality for the new algebras, and describe their generic representation theory.
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Stephen Doty, Anthony Giaquinto, The partial Temperley–Lieb algebra and its representations. J. Comb. Algebra 7 (2023), no. 3/4, pp. 401–439
DOI 10.4171/JCA/74