From telescopes to frames and simple groups
Steffen Kionke
FernUniversität in Hagen, Hagen, GermanyEduard Schesler
Karlsruher Institut für Technologie, Karlsruhe, Germany

We introduce the notion of a telescope of groups. Very roughly a telescope is a directed system of groups that contains various commuting images of some fixed group . Telescopes are inspired from the theory of groups acting on rooted trees. Imitating known constructions of branch groups, we obtain a number of examples of -telescopes and discuss several applications. We give examples of -generated infinite amenable simple groups. We show that every finitely generated residually finite (amenable) group embeds into a finitely generated (amenable) simple group. We construct -generated frames in products of finite simple groups and show that there are Grothendieck pairs consisting of amenable groups and groups with property . We give examples of automorphisms of finitely generated, residually finite, amenable groups that are not inner, but become inner in the profinite completion. We describe non-elementary amenable examples of finitely generated, residually finite groups all of whose finitely generated subnormal subgroups are direct factors.
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Steffen Kionke, Eduard Schesler, From telescopes to frames and simple groups. J. Comb. Algebra (2024), published online first
DOI 10.4171/JCA/103