The combinatorial structure of symmetric strongly shifted ideals

  • Alessandra Costantini

    Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, USA; Tulane University, New Orleans, USA
  • Alexandra Seceleanu

    University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Lincoln, USA
The combinatorial structure of symmetric strongly shifted ideals cover
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Symmetric strongly shifted ideals constitute a class of monomial ideals which are equipped with an action of the symmetric group and are analogous to the well-studied class of strongly stable monomial ideals. In this paper, we focus on algebraic and combinatorial properties of symmetric strongly shifted ideals. On the algebraic side, we elucidate properties that pertain to behavior under ideal operations, primary decomposition, and the structure of their Rees algebra. On the combinatorial side, we develop a notion of partition Borel generators which leads to connections to discrete polymatroids, convex polytopes, and permutohedral toric varieties.

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Alessandra Costantini, Alexandra Seceleanu, The combinatorial structure of symmetric strongly shifted ideals. J. Comb. Algebra (2025), published online first

DOI 10.4171/JCA/107